Unravel the insider secrets for a 6-figure online health & wellness business with 30+ health biz experts!

FREE Online Summit for Coaches & Practitioners: May 8th-12th

Access 30+ EXPERT WORKSHOPS on everything from dominating social media, getting clients, nailing your sales calls, launching group programs and building your dream business with Human Design

You'll be learning from experts featured in...

Running your business can be so EXCITING. There's so much freedom & flexibility in being your own #BOSS, with your own schedule, running your own show! Assuming the show is working, of course.

But likely, you’re feeling broke AF and your client roster’s better at picking up cobwebs instead of actual humans who need your coaching support. Your mind and emotions start to spiral, and you get stuck between a rock and a hard place. You start seeing thoughts like these on repeat:

  • I have no clients
  • The industry is too saturated
  • I'm not interesting enough
  • I'm a failure

You feel so discouraged, and you’re so INSANELY exhausted that you forget how much of an amazing, incredible, talented B.A.D.A.S.S. you are!

Why not lean on the wisdom and expertise of a group of experts who have walked in your shoes and grown WILDLY successful businesses?

The Wealthy Health Biz Summit is a strategic step-by-step roadmap so you can avoid the pitfalls & "What the F am I doing" syndrome...

...So you can get that business off the ground and bringing in clients! AND focus on what you do best - -


Save Time AND Money,

Getting the exact tips + action steps to start enrolling your dream clients consistently - - no fluff, no B.S., no filler, just exactly what you need to move the needle in your biz.

20+ Hand-Picked Experts, who are thrilled to provide their guidance, expertise and insider strategies to building your online influence, street cred and visibility.

Strategy + Mindset,

Not only are we going to cover the nerdy business strategy but we'll cover mind blowing mindset tools to get you unstuck and sprinting forward towards business success!

Learn EVERYTHING You Need to Know to Build a Profitable Health & Wellness Biz from Experts Who Have built WILDLY Successful Businesses

Wish you could sit down and have coffee with someone (or 30+ someones) who is both supportive + wise and can give you the advice you need to move from an overwhelmed, confused mess to the high-performing health entrepreneur that you 1000% can be?

That's EXACTLY what you get when you join the Wealthy Health Biz Summit!

This power-packed 5-day event will jam in all the most important lessons, tips & actionable strategies to help you FINALLY see forward movement in your biz.

Master your Sales Calls

Choose Your Perfect Niche

Create Raving Fans

Blow up with Live Video

Grow with Instagram

Grow Your Email List for Free

Get Legally Covered

Create Brand Identity

Get Featured in the Media

Leverage your Feminine Energy

And so much more...


Stephanie Long

How to Nail Your Nutrition Niche

Wendy Breakstone

Turn Lurkers Into Legit Leads & Fill Your Email List In One Week

Charlyn Ooi

3 Secrets to Creating Content that Gets You Clients

Gloria Chou 

How to get featured in the media for free

Michelle Kuei 

How to use the power of storytelling to grow an audience and make more sales

Julie C. Butler 

How To Leverage Technology To Run Your Coaching Business with Ease and Simplicity

Cailen Aisher

How to Have 5-Figure Months while only working 3-days per week

Lindsay Maloney

How to Keep the Faith In Your Coaching Business Even if You're Not Seeing Results Yet

Vicky Etherington

The top mistakes I see people making on their websites and how to avoid them

Nicole Cramer

5 Questions You Need to Ask for Discovery Call Success

Carol Hampshire

Brand Archytypes

Katie Brinkley

Finding the Balance: How to Use Social Media Strategically for Your Business

Allyson Scammell

Energetic Soul Client Attraction

Brittany Fagan

Creating an Abundance Mindset for Soulful Sales

Tara Geraghty

Community is the New Currency

Jamie Palmer

Humans design and business

Kate Matheson

4 Ways to Get in Front of Your Ideal Clients

Amanda Jane Daley

4 Part Social Framework for Wellness Entrepreneurs

Alexa Snay

Book Out Your Calendar: Getting Started with Facebook™ Ads!

Joanna Sapir

The Magic Marketing Tool that Grabs Attention, Explains Your Services + Fills Your Client Roster

Christy Westerfeld

Legal Musts as a wellness professional

Ania E. Galej

Your Subconscious Identity is the Missing Key to Faster, Consistent & Lasting Results

Amy Hager

How to Become an In-Demand Brand

Rosalean Batool

How to Be a Feminine Boss Babe

Chanee Momoko

Using NLP to Get Results With Clients

Tanya Smith

3 Secrets to Drive Engagement with Live Video

Joannah White

Simple Scaling Strategies

Megan Kachigan

3 Easy Tips For Writing Email Copy Quickly

Get Free Access 30 Mind-Blowing Workshops


  • Any Health Coach, Wellness Practitioner or Health Professional wanting to build a virtual practice
  • Mental Health Coaches, Life Coaches, Mindset Coaches, Spiritual Coaches, Fitness Coaches
  • Coaches & Practitioners who are brand new and don't know where to start
  • Anyone who wants to build a thriving, freedom-based business
  • Seasoned coaches & practitioners who aren't getting the results they want
  • Any coach or practitioner who's struggling with imposter syndrome or fear of starting
  • Coaches & practitioners ready to up-level their business & marketing skills


Kendra Perry

Founder of Health Coach Accelerator™️

Kendra is a former multiple 6-figure Functional Health Coach turned online business strategist for health & wellness coaches and practitioners. She is on a mission to stop health coaches from being broke AF by helping them build BOOMING 6-figure businesses that they love. She has helped hundreds of coaches grow their practices, attract consistent clients and blow up their bank accounts.

After a ski accident crushed her dreams to be a professional skier and triggered an 8-year long struggle with Chronic Fatigue, Kendra decided to pursue a career as a Functional Health Coach to help herself and others.

After 2-years of struggling to make ends meet in her business, she finally cracked the code and grew her business to multiple 6-figures with high-ticket one-on-one and a group membership program. In 2019, after realizing her love of tech, strategy and online marketing, she transitioned to helping other Health & Wellness Coaches start and grow their businesses to 6-figures and beyond using minimalist principles.

The TOP 3 Reasons Why You Should Absolutely Attend the Wealthy Health Biz Summit

No fluff, no B.S., no lengthy presentations that you never finish. Our speakers will be providing bite-sized, quick and actionable tips that you can put into action immediately!

It's 100% free for a limited time. You'll have 24-hours to watch each day's presentation. Need more time? No problem! After you register, you'll have the option to grab an ALL ACCESS VIP PASS.

Meet like-minded health biz owners to build your network inside our EXCLUSIVE Facebook Group. You'll make new business besties and meet potential biz collaborations!

Plus, as a SPECIAL BONUS for claiming

your FREE Ticket, you'll get...


Connect with other participants, make your new business besties, and get access to additional fun surprises too! When you sign up, you'll get exclusive access into the summit Facebook Group.

Get Access to 30+ Business Exploding Presentations